本公司是以“合创”商标为依托组成的私营企业公司,是以专业生产“威萨卡”牌朱古力和糖果的食品企业。创建于2000年,现有员工100多人,固定资产超过300万元,占地面积8亩多,是开平朱古力及糖果产销量最大的企业之一。 技术力量雄厚,设备先进。拥有国内20世纪先进水平的食品生产设备和技术。公司具有良好的社会信誉和较高的社会知名度。产品远销美国、香港、在国内完善市场营销网络畅销各省市有30多家代销商。 Our company is registered with the trademark HeChuang.we focus our business on producing WeiSaKa chocolate ang sugar . We founded in 2000.Currently.we have more than 300 staffs.Our fixed asset investment is more than 1 million. The area of our factory is more than 8 units. We are the largest manufacturer for chocolate and sugar of kaiping. We have the advanced equipment and technology.We have the high honor and in society .the business reach America. Hongkong and more 30 agcnts.